Art Stories, Mentor, Art Selling, Art Exhibitions lorraine glessner Art Stories, Mentor, Art Selling, Art Exhibitions lorraine glessner

The Outdoor Art Show Demystified

The first outdoor art show I participated in was the 2016 Chester County Studio Tour. I had no idea what I was doing and used a borrowed tent with borrowed walls and participated as a guest artist at a borrowed studio. It rained the entire weekend, and it was so cold and damp I wore 3 jackets- by the end of the weekend I was shaking inside and out! Despite the weather, there was a great turn-out and I almost sold out my booth. Beginners luck, maybe, but I was interminably hooked on the show scene from that weekend on. However, after visiting a few shows and talking with other artists who have participated in outdoor fine art shows, I quickly discovered that there must be a time, money and experience investment to get really good at this outdoor show thing.

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