Mixed-Media Mark-Making Mastery

A Comprehensive Experimental Self-Guided Virtual Course of Alternative Marks & Media

Art making grants access to worlds that may be dangerous, sacred, forbidden, seductive, or all of the above.

-Art & Fear


Learn More about the course materials, processes and techniques in a FREE lecture, MARK-MAKING ALCHEMY: MIXED MEDIA MAGICIANS & MASTERS
Delve into the innovative materials and processes introduced in this course through the conceptual work of contemporary artists working in the disciplines of painting, printmaking, crafts, fiber, sculpture, installation and performance.


* If you are registered for the class, you are automatically registered for the lecture.


Three Comprehensive Course Modules Available for Purchase Separately or Bundled Together
Purchase Module 1 ONLY $349
Purchase Module 1 & 2 ONLY $499
Purchase All 3 Modules ONLY $679

Module 1 SURFACE

*Scroll down to the drop down menu for pricing and lessons included in each module*

Important Dates
Registration Begins March 27, 2024
Registration Ends September 15, 2024
You will have access to the recordings until May 15, 2025

Module 1 SURFACE Drops Wednesday, April 17, 2024
Module 2 STRUCTURE Drops Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Module 3 SCULPTURAL Drops Wednesday, May 15, 2024

With an intense focus on mixed media, this workshop involves the exploration of the act of mark-making as a vehicle for the discovery of form, materials and ideas. Working on both paper and fabric, participants will explore the mark-making possibilities of pyrography (creating marks and patterns with fire, heated metal tools and objects), soot, rust and botanical printing, and are encouraged to respond to these marks utilizing various techniques and media. Other processes and media covered in this workshop include image transfer, ink, soy wax resist, collage, poly-thermal materials, glue and creating your own grids, laces and lace like forms using free motion sewing machine embroidery on water soluble stabilizer as well as ways to integrate some of these materials in collage and painting projects. Throughout the workshop, participants are prompted by a series of thought-provoking exercises geared toward process, experimentation and providing visual form to that which has no form - thoughts, ideas, emotions, feelings, etc. Participants are encouraged to step out of their current comfort zone by increasing their ability to create, see and respond to mark-making, to utilize a variety of styles and media, to make art intuitively and to integrate this new information creatively. Participants will develop a personal vocabulary through the creation of a portfolio of samples which may be worked into larger art pieces, bound into a book or exist as small-scale art pieces suitable for framing or further embellishment.

The Modules

Module 1 Surface

Module 2 Structure

Module 3 Sculptural

FAQ’s & Information



“For a combination of personal reasons and the subject of the class, AND your very wonderful and supportive encouragement and enthusiasm....it really ranks as the best workshop I've taken. You opened up a world of possibilities and it will take me a while to play and figure out how I will begin to incorporate new marks in my work and make them my own. Really, thank you for a truly delicious and terrific workshop. You are a gifted teacher.”


“Thank you for such a great workshop! I've had great conversations this week with students from the workshop. I'm really impressed by how personal the class seemed to be for each person; everyone has said that it made them go back and overhaul the projects they were currently working on. It was really more than just learning new techniques, but also opening new parts of ourselves as artists.”


“Thank you so much for this wonderful workshop. I received so many ideas and ‘food’ for my creative adventures - it will last quite some time to work on that. You went above encaustic instructions and shared many other ways to feed our creative thirst :) I feel very inspired.”


“What a great experience! Lorraine is a gifted and generous teacher. She’s supportive of having each student find her own style.”


“I am still energized from your workshop and have been working on really pushing myself into new territories. Thank you so much for your inspiration, mentoring and support!”


“I wish to personally thank you for a wonderful workshop, it was chock full of technique, instruction, advice and was top notch on every level from form, function, aesthetics, quotes and psychological response to artworks. What I did learn in your workshop will take me months to digest and I will see you again, you can count on it.  Truly giving educators like you are hard to find!”


Please enjoy these images of artwork and fun scenes from recently taught workshops and retreats similar to this one