November/December Collage Cut-Out Page Submissions

Many, many thanks to Nancy Hamann and Susan Moore for once again, taking the collage cut-out page and inspiration into innovative and interesting places even during this busy and crazy Holiday Season. Each collage I see coming out of these cut-out pages is even better than the last. Thank you for participating and offering inspiration to me and Art Bite Blog Readers!

November/December Collage Cut-Out Page and Inspiration….

The light is low, the air is colder, and all outdoor colors have blue/gray cast. The garden is sleeping, but the ivy still grows and winds around the branches I have yet to prune. The last of the hydrangea flowers are warm in my studio, safe from the first frost and awaiting pressing. I marvel at how many colors of mums there are and the lush colors of the ornamental cabbage plants. I can’t help but photograph every garden offering at my favorite produce store. Even more amazing than these are the fake flowers my neighbor plants in her yard at this time of year. Kind of funny, but a little spark of color on a cold, gray day never hurts.

About the Collage Cut-Out Pages

I was inspired to create cut-out pages by the Kolaj Institute, an organization that publishes a whole book of them to commemorate the start of KolajFest, their super fun collage conference in New Orleans. As a gift to my Newsletter subscribers, I’ve been creating cut-out pages with an inspiration challenge to get the ball rolling.

The next Collage Cut-Out Page and Challenge is included in January’s Newsletter, the deadline for submissions is February 15 and your submissions are published on Art Bite Blog on March 1. Only Newsletter subscribers can participate, Subscribe Today!


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